Monday, November 20, 2006

Day 3

Well, this is it, everyone. I am officially a non-smoker, and at the end of today, I will be completely nicotine free. (It takes 3 days for nicotine to leave the body.) I have quit cold-turkey, which means I am not using any Nicotine Replacement Therapy such as the nicotine gum or patch. To ensure full disclosure, I am taking welbutrin for depression, and welbutrin is also known as Zyban-the smoking cessation aid. I would say that the welbutrin has helped a lot in this quit. I haven't been suffering nearly as much as I typically do when I try to quit cold turkey.

So, Day 3 is upon me and I am feeling great. I can breathe deeper than I could just a few days ago. I have more energy and I am clearer, mentally. This is, hands down, the best thing I could have ever done for my health, and that alone makes me feel great.

I did not announce to the world that I had quit because I wanted to be sure I was going to really quit this time. It seems that I am, so, here I am, world! :)

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